First of all, we want to welcome you to our Online Platform that allows you to search and buy spare parts for heavy machinery in different approved brands of excellent quality.
Once you are on our website, you are going to click on the yellow button "Online Quotation" and the following form will open......
If you are already registered with us, simply enter the username (your email) and the password that you defined at the time of registration. If you are not registered, we invite you to do so in the "Create New Account" link - It's very simple!!
Once you log in to your account you will see the following scenario....
In the Reference field, you are going to write the reference or part number you are looking for and as soon as you finish writing it, press Enter, for the system to search for the availability of the reference.
NOTE Keep in mind that our system hosts several brands for the same reference and you would choose the one that best suits your purchase intention, so...
If you get 2 or more options for the same reference, simply choose the one that best suits your needs with the cursor and click on it.
All that remains is for you to define the quantities you need, and you will do this by modifying the "QUANTITY" box. and writing the amounts you require.
The system will automatically calculate the total of your quote according to the amounts requested.
NOTE: If for some reason, you must pause your quote, or if your PC shuts down unexpectedly, DO NOT worry, because our system saves the quote you had up to that moment in memory , and once you enter your account again, you will find the quote as you left it.
If you already have defined the references that you want to buy, it is only a matter of clicking on the "Generate Order" button and filling out the form like this........
In "Name For Order: simply define a code that makes sense for your purchasing process and you can identify in the future which code is related to the purchase you are executing. In other words, it is the Customer's Purchase Order number.
In "Dispatch Instructions": Define us if you want...
Pick up your purchase at our distribution center in Miami.
or that We send your purchase to an address in Miami.
or that We take care of the International transport. (In this case it is necessary to agree with your adviser the international freight rates).
In "Payment Instructions": You define if you are going to use your line of credit (Previously Granted by our administrative department) or if you pay through Paypal with a link that your advisor sends you business or make an International Money Order.
It is that easy to quote and buy at IPMACH!!